Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Filming Log

This is a copy of our filming log. As you can see there are some significant changes from out production schedule. When coming to film our trailer it became apparent that members of our group could not be present on some days, so we re-scheduled the days and our jobs within the days of filming.

Production Log

My group consisted of Rachel Slater, Lauren Talbolt, Sam Higham and myself, Lauren O'Connor. This helps us to decide who will execute which job whilist filming are trailer. We have split the jobs fairly amongst the group. We have also included a timetable of what we will film on what days and times.


Victoria Francis

Hannah Hobson


Below are pictures of props we used for our film trailer:






Video Camera



Cabinet and Draw

Coffee cup and plate

Shower Curtain

Story Board

Below is pictures of the story boad we drew up for our trailer. Each picture reresents a scene in our trailer and next to the pictures we described what camera angles would fit best with our shots. A storyboard is exetremey important when making a short film/trailer. Out storyboard establishes framing, provides blocking and focus information, plans actor movements and action, plans camera movements and demonstrates editing possibilities. Although a storyboard helps us decided what to film and what would look best, whilist filming we did stray from the orginal plan to imporve our trailer.

Thursday, 18 November 2010

Film Trailer Questionnaire

For primary research into film trailer I have created a questionnaire for people to answer.
Please click here to view it.